Sunday 3 November 2013

Day 5 - Friday end of the first working week..........

Friday has traditionally always been for us 'fast food friday' it just rolled off the tongue so was so easy to do.  Duck down to Mc Donalds or some other nasty fat filled food place and gorge myself because well I could and that's what I did.

This Friday was different!  I woke up determined the day went along great I had my MP meals all day.  Come 4pm it was time for my upper body FIRE session......ahhh thank god I wasn't a sore as I had been a few days before hand.

Off I go into the gym all pumped to get this smashed out and home again!  The whole workout started off great doing my Lat Pull downs until I got to the 5th plate.......wooooo way to heavy!!!!!  The sixth was even funnier I could hang off it without it actually moving LOL..........I laughed a lot then made a mental note to let my trainer know.  I finished off the session feeling really good and really positive.

We went to a friends for a BBQ.....crap what am I going to eat.  I'm proud I had meat, salad and some potato (was inside my window) and I drank water while everyone else had beer!!!

I knew the week wasn't a perfect week but I had eaten about 1000% better than I had been and I had exercised 4 times that was for me an achievement in itself. 

I will leave you with this thought for today, interesting 4% of a day is one hour.  My program today took me about 1/2 an hour that's 2% of my day!!!!

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