Saturday 16 November 2013

Day 14 - The day I met Jane Bunn and got my first compliment

Today is Saturday, it started off like a normal day 7am start!!!!!!! except that today we had oh about 4 different things we needed to attend.  Wasn't sure how we were going to achieve that, I found out that we couldn't achieve it!!!
At 10am we had a 3rd birthday party, Sydney loves birthday parties especially because it was little Brock stars birthday at Lifestyle Plus on King Avenue, Mildura.  Great spot for a birthday the kids can run around and have a great time (hopefully they all slept well for their parents afterwards).
I made some 'interesting' food choices at the party, I had my breakfast which was an MP meal but then the day just well turned to shit.
We arrived at the party I had a friend who I had not seen since before I started my MP journey say 'Sash the exercise is working you look great'!  Wow my first compliment, the blood sweat and tears of the first two weeks must have started shifting something! Then I started thinking imagine if I had stuck to it 100%.....but I'm not going to dwell on that thought what is done is done, trying to be a perfectionist will only make my anxiety worse.
Party was done, I admit I picked at party food I can't resist a piece of fairy bread!!!!  Next we headed off to the Telstra Business Centre for a private invitation lunch with Jane Bunn.  The Tesltra Business Centre does a great job, for any sort of telecommunication needs head on down there they are located on 7th Street, Mildura between San Mateo and Etiwanda Avenue's.
For those reading that are not from around the Mildura area, Jane Bunn is a bit of a local area celebrity.  Basically the long and short of it is she does the weather for the local news which isn't that spectacular except that apparently according to every male in the area has big awesome boobs.  Ask any male who's watching the news what the weather will be like the next day and they won't be able to tell you.
Anyway so here we are once again surrounded by wonderful food waiting for Jane to arrive.  When she did I must admit I was shocked she's a lot taller and a lot thinner than expected.  She really does prove that the camera does pile on about 10 kilos (oh and the boobs aren't that big guys).  I had the photo with her, still not exactly sure why me with severe body issues and seriously overweight would agree to a photo with a tall, blonde very attractive television person! 
3:30pm and that part of the day was done, we hadn't made it to the other birthday party we had to go to that day, Sydney was exhausted an not exactly the easiest to deal with.  After standing and thinking for a while it was decided to head to a winery not to far from our house.  Great, awesome MP decision but ahhhhh those wines went down awfully well!!!!!
By that night I was exhausted, full of food I shouldn't have eaten, had to many wines that I shouldn't have had and was tired.  I promised myself that next week would be a better week, it had to be better than this week.
I'm not going to leave you with a quote today just a photo with Jane:


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