Sunday 3 November 2013

Day 7 - MP week 1 done

As I sit here writing this blog I'm reflecting on the last week and what I have already learnt!

1. - I need to be WAY more prepared in order to succeed in this.
2. - I feel WAY more alive and have WAY more energy when I stick to the nutrition requirements.
3. - I have a LONG way to go before its going to be perfect actually it may never be perfect but I'm ok with that as long as I get it 99% right!

I got up this morning after my monster non MP day yesterday feeling like utter crap!  It was then I realised I had no food in my house, well obviously I had food I have a 10 month old but nothing that was really suitable for me to eat.  What did that lead to you ask.....a half arsed protein shake at around 9:30, a couple of salada's at around 3pm and then dinner tonight which was a carvery.

What did today teach me? I need to be organised it was like my second epiphany this month.  I need to have my meals planned, prepared and ready to just grab.  I'm so busy with my daughter and I go back to work in a week I need that structure.

I sat down this afternoon and planned out my first menu then emailed it off to Sarah then crossed my fingers.  It was so much easier now that I have my MP folder it was actually fun sitting down looking at all the recipes in the cook bible deciding what we would eat for the week.  When I say we I refer to my husband and I plus little miss, I'm attempting to have him follow my eating plan as much as I can.

After about 2 hours of reading, looking, writing I had my menu done, my shopping list prepared ready to hit the supermarket.  Instead I ordered online and having it delivered, I was a virgin online grocery shopper!  I must admit I'm sold on it I only wish they had the service when my daughter was born would have made life so much easier.

I found today my energy was lacking I think that was a lot to do with not only the poor eating and drinking yesterday but the lack of food intake today.  I like the feeling of energy, bouncing out of bed not feeling as lethargic and tired, it helps that my daughter only wakes up as a general rule once a night now.  4 weeks of teething 4 molars at once, the flu and me eating terrible food and not exercising was taking its toll......thank god we are all on the mend now!

I have been thinking about my goals for this first 12 weeks.  Obviously these goals need to be measureable and achievable there is no use me saying my 84 day goal is to be a size 10 again!  By tomorrow nights blog I will have my goals and will share them with you all.  Oh tomorrow night is photos and measurements night as well...............GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought for this evening, this is so VERY true:

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