Monday 4 November 2013

Day 8 - Photos and Measurements

Today was good I had my meals and must admit its 9:30pm and I'm still a bit hungry!  More vegies for me in the coming days.
Started off the day good got a few things done and had a few things planned around my exercise later this afternoon.  I got my groceries delivered, I'm sold on that idea it was great had the groceries here and packed away by 9:30am.
I had a doctors appointment this afternoon so I had worked it that I could go to that then go to the gym......EPIC FAIL!!!!!  I sat at the doctors for over an hour waiting for my appointment getting more and more annoyed.  If I can make an effort to be on time surely the doctor can as well. I can accept 10-15 minutes late but over an hour........doesn't she know I had important places to be like the gym!!!! (woooo where did that come from me wanting to go to the gym)
Some of you may be wondering what I was doing at the doctors, I was getting some not so great news.  It's not the worst and could have been a hell of a lot worse.  I have been diagnosed with a  'fatty liver', the short of it is I'm to fat, don't do enough exercise and drink to much alcohol.  No known cure just have to change lifestyle factors......lucky I'm already doing that.  I do question it tho only because my liver was fine before pregnancy and one of the things that can cause it is you guessed it pregnancy.  Anyway I'm not going to dwell on it I can change my life to hopefully let my liver repair itself and live a wonderful life.
Off I went home, hubby peeled the prawns and covered them in the beautiful marinade (chobani yoghurt and pataks Korma paste) while I bathed little miss. 
I was dreading the 7:30 phone call with Sarah my trainer when I would have to face in pictures the stark reality of what I actually looked like.  My hubby said something that is still sticking with  me he said 'I guess you can look at them and see what you don't want to be'. Very true wise husband very true..........(don't tell him I said he was wise it will go to his head).  Sarah text me and said 'do you have shorts and a crop top on for the photos?', err.....noooo, what, crop top, shorts.........I don't understand the question!  I think I lost all the colour in my face in the split second thinking about having a photo in those clothes.
The moment had arrived and the phone rang.  As I stood there while Sarah told hubby what measurements he had to do I smiled, because if I didn't smile every time he said a number I would have cried!  Don't get me wrong I love my daughter she is my world but dammmmm pregnancy has screwed my body!!!!!! Doesn't stop me from wanting to go back again tho lol..........
Measurements were done then I had to face the photos.......aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The front on photos not so bad but the side on ones, OH DEAR LORD.......I was scared and was probably going to be scarred for life along with anyone else who looked at them.  I survived the photos and emailed them off to Sarah.  Of all the things I have done in the last 6-12 months, today would have been the most confronting thing ever!  I hated doing those measurements, I hated doing those photos and I hated looking at the photos.  On a positive tho the photos can only get better the further along my journey goes.
So that's my day, first day into week 2 of my journey.  Tomorrow I have ICE planned for the morning then off to Cup Day races.  I've accepted that I will drink and eat tomorrow afternoon Sarah tells me it uses all my mistakes up 8)
Thought for today: I did this today I didn't run from my fear of what I looked like! I faced it head on because for me I have a goal, I can't go forward if I don't face what's here now. If I face everything I will rise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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