Thursday 31 October 2013

Day 4 - Date Night with hubby

Today started off in an unusual way. I had to fast for six hours before an ultrasound at 9am. Ordinarily not such a big deal but this morning I was STARVING!!!!!

Got that out of the way and got back on track woth my eating. The rest of the day went smoothly without a hitch.  Come 4pm it was a dreaded treadmill ICE session........I thought I was going to die! That would have to be he hardest 3.9km I've ever done in my life. 

I must admit I was on the last part of the session and thought to myself 'I'm so tired surely finishing now won't make a difference'. Now I'm talking I had 45 seconds to go......then I smacked myself In the head and said 'don't be ridiculous come on you have got this far now finish it' I did.

I had such a sense of achievement when I stepped off that treadmill it was great. 

When I got home husband surprised me by taking me put on a date night.  Child free night and dinner yes please.  I TRIED TO BE GOOD.......I FAILED!!!!!!!!  I ate and drank way to much of the wrong things and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Thought for the day:

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